We had our open house, and it was a huge success! Thank you to all of you that showed up to learn more of what we have to offer. People that booked a service had their choice of a free service and we had a drawing for a free service! If you were unable to make it, don't fret- we will be having more open houses and you can still book a consultation. If you are interested in learning more about the services we offer- just ask! We would love to have a consultation with you to discuss your concerns and show off our technology to you! Consultations typically take about 30 minutes, we do require a $50 consultation fee that will be applied to your booked service. Simply call 308-344-4110 to book a consultation or reach out to us on our website or social media for consulting.
Since our open house, we have been busy little bees treating women and men and helping them be "your best you". We also had a full day of training with hands on experience for our BodyTite and FaceTite services. We will be having a future open house to explain these in the future as well. In the meantime, keep your eyes on our social pages for updates and before and afters!